Join us in Madrid on May 18 for the 2023 Gaming in Spain Conference to get the latest info on a wide range of relevant topics, including hiring and salary information in the Spanish iGaming market.
Chris Gyere, Head of Tech Recruitment at Pentasia & Headcount, will deliver a presentation on the challenges of identifying and hiring the right personnel. His presentation will address issue such as:
Attracting the right skills and quality of talent
Achieving operational success
Salary information
The challenges of hiring in Ceuta and Melilla
Hybrid work models - HR issues
As announced previously, the 2023 Gaming in Spain Conference will also feature both the current and former leadership of Spain's national gambling regulator DGOJ, Mikel Arana and Juan Espinosa.
Don't miss it!
Get the very latest info at the 2023 Gaming in Spain Conference
The upcoming 2023 Gaming in Spain Conference will address a wide range of topics related to the Spain's iGaming market. This includes the latest regulatory updates and information on the recently approved Royal Decree on Safer Gambling.
When & where
The 2023 Gaming in Spain Conference “Moving forward in a highly regulated market” will take place on May 18, 2023, at Castellana 81/BBVA, an iconic example of contemporary Spanish architecture in the heart of Madrid.
Speakers & topics
The agenda for the event is now live!
Confirmed speakers include:
Mikel Arana, Director General of Spanish gambling regulator DGOJ
Juan Espinosa, Founder, Silverback Advocacy; fmr Director General, DGOJ
Santiago Asensi, Managing Partner, Asensi Abogados
Alla Serebrianskaia, Partner, Asensi Abogados
Jorge Hinojosa, Director General, Jdigital
Maarten Haijer, Secretary General, European Betting & Gaming Association
Birgitte Sand, CEO, Birgitte Sand & Associates; fmr Executive Director, Danish Gambling Authority
Mauro de Fabritiis, Founder, MDF Partners
Steve Schrier, Associate Partner, Tekkorp Capital LLC
And many more!
Networking opportunities
Please note that the conference includes several networking breaks as well as an official conference dinner.
Thus, the 2023 Gaming in Spain Conference will offer ample opportunities to meet THE key decision makers in Spain's regulated iGaming market.
Tickets & registration
As we are aiming to draw a broad and inclusive audience, tickets are priced at only €375.00 for a full day of highly informative sessions.
Book your ticket now:
See you in Madrid?